Events: October 2021


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Events: October 2021

69th PSME National Convention - Bronze Sponsor

Metro Manila - Last October 16 to 23, 2021, the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers successfully held its second virtual conference despite the challenges caused by the pandemic. The theme this year was 'Mechanical Engineers: Moving Ahead with the Challenges Towards Nation Building'.

The highlight of the conference includes the latest technological updates, research, and innovations in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The online event had 3,029 delegates and reached 10,000 Facebook users, 4,400 views, 541 shares and reactions, and 1,353 views on the XPERTO Platform.

TPHC signed the contract as a bronze sponsor last July 2021, and it included promotion and exposure of Tsubaki's logo through PSME's Facebook Page, website, and email blasts.

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